Metrum moves to the cloud

Two Guys and a Credit Card: Metrum’s Amazon Cloud Makeover

A case study in transferring a life sciences IT infrastructure fully into the cloud

Over the past few years, many life science organizations have dabbled in cloud computing and explored infrastructure-as-a-service, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and commitment. But one Connecticut company has decided to go for broke—transferring its entire IT infrastructure onto the Amazon cloud.  
BioTeam is excited to see one of our longest-running and coolest clients featured in a Bio-IT World Case Study. We’ve been working with the nice folks at Metrum Research Group for many years now. They’ve been a pleasure to work with and are always involved in very interesting and challenging work.
You can read the full story here:

And don’t forget to attend BioIT World Boston in April to see Jeff and Adam talk about the system in person.

The back story is covered in the linked article. A few of the Metrum principals attended one of our AWS Training sessions and came away with enough knowledge to map their own needs onto the AWS product lineup. A few meetings, a brainstorming session or two and a new collaboration was created.


I won’t steal Jeff & Adam’s thunder by talking technical about the AWS architecture and methods used. You’ll have to wait until April @ the conference for that.



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